* The Lays of Beleriand [#f97db6b1]
#navi(The History of Middle-earth)
** 概要 [#Summary]


** 解説 [#Explanation]
『[[The History of Middle-earth]]』の第3巻。

*** Contents [#ib63f4ee]

-I The Lay of the Children of Húrin
--Prologue(Húrin and Morgoth)
--I Túrin's Fostering
--II Beleg
--III Failivrin
--Second Version of the Lay:
---I (Húrin and Morgoth)
---II Túrin's Fostering
-II Poems Early Abandoned
--The Flight of the Noldoli
--Fragment of an alliterative Lay of Eärendel
--The Lay of the Fall of Gondolin
-III The Lay of Leithian
--Canto I (Of Thingol)
--Canto II (Gorlim's betrayal and Beren's revenge)
--Canto III (Beren's meeting with Lúthien)
--Canto IV (Beren before Thingol)
--Canto V (Lúthien's captivity in Doriath)
--Canto VI (Beren in Nargothrond)
--Canto VII (Beren and Felagund before Thû)
--Canto VIII (Lúthien in Nargothrond)
--Canto IV (The defeat of Thû)
--Canto X (The attack by Celegorm and Curufin)
--Canto XI (The disguising of Beren and Lúthien and the journey to Angband)
--Canto XII (Fingolfin and Morgoth; the meeting with Carcharoth)
--Canto XIII (Beren and Lúthien in Angband)
--Canto XIV (Escape from Angband)
--Unwritten Cantos
--Appendix: Commentary by C. S. Lewis
-IV The Lay of Leithian Recommenced
-Note on the original submission on the '''Lay of Leithian and The Silmarillion''' in 1937
-Glossary of Obsolete, Archaic, and Rare Words and Meanings

** 内容 [#vdc7ee02]

** コメント [#Comment]
